Acropora - 1795
Adonna - 581
Aggravain - 70
Airmed - 786
Albeddo - 508
Alexandrine - 321
Anayar - 189
Anchor - 90
Antha - 226
Anthem - 296
Armor - 803
Armoras - 399
Arrion - 372
Artor - 1271
Ashteroth - 327
Audubon - 1938
Aveline - 260
Avey - 100
Axegrind - 577
Azriel - 90
Babiboo - 170
Bardoksing - 441
Bardova - 130
Beanz - 289
Beerd - 824
Bigma - 1914
Bitsy - 232
Bobaye - 351
Booch - 88
Booradley - 60
Braneldar - 128
Briseyu - 60
Broncfreak - 110
Brutal - 1838
Brutale - 1196
Burnberry - 1033
Burta - 2707
Buter - 178
Cedrac - 120
Cels - 516
Cepssis - 783
Cirelc - 149
Cletuz - 88
Clever - 139
Crazyjerm - 1385
Crota - 117
Cyana - 110
Daddyphatsack - 399
Dala - 148
Daleena - 110
Danns - 60
Daredeyes - 90
Darkwell - 209
Dazk - 236
Dedrath - 464
Deezy - 105
Deryen - 555
Dethriff - 655
Doze - 428
Drachnor - 153
Dragotin - 75
Draix - 547
Draya - 294
Dreekenail - 239
Drink - 169
Driz - 88
Druyd - 95
Dyth - 724
Eatn - 119
Eilgrad - 1140
Elmindra - 170
Erbric - 70
Eriskegal - 544
Faraday - 904
Faran - 80
Fartacus - 455
Felcan - 921
Fiodewn - 380
Flyingkick - 738
Flyre - 468
Foote - 414
Foreverburing - 841
Getrdone - 1361
Ghort - 60
Gnomoney - 168
Godking - 115
Gooph - 159
Gorebath - 60
Granular - 1169
Grimsly - 476
Gunnard - 797
Guyko - 190
Hairee - 436
Happyily - 585
Healfizzle - 150
Healzer - 100
Healzja - 265
Healzu - 160
Hilz - 380
Himotep - 581
Hipnote - 299
Hoolio - 342
Ibelost - 274
Igetlost - 583
Illuminatti - 110
Imamonk - 396
Imperial - 710
Indrid - 187
Innego - 1536
Ironbunz - 604
Isak - 1219
Izarian - 406
Jaibeze - 238
Janmichaelz - 178
Jelbrina - 139
Jeterek - 110
Jools - 846
Juri -570
Kalebosh - 67
Karney - 544
Katka - 248
Kazu - 1080
Kegan - 455
Kendainea - 148
Kikris - 528
Kizack - 296
Kolosuss - 218
Krokben - 90
Kurbi - 166
Kutsu - 824
Ladwene - 538
Ladygrey - 303
Lahnfear - 195
Lanaev - 115
Larlen - 515
Lassic - 276
Leaff - 1155
Lellnoria - 110
Lilbird - 60
Linsa - 1177
Littletree - 1395
Logan - 98
Lucianna - 1080
Lupine - 115
Lyphe - 128
Madcatclaudia - 80
Maerhlyn - 429
Magi - 336
Magnusen - 1042
Malisha - 508
Marburg - 60
Margoth - 199
Markuss - 181
Matrum - 577
Mazrall - 653
Melma - 170
Merle - 208
Metonym - 178
Mezn - 129
Mezzmureyez - 130
Michaelin - 379
Mort - 615
Mouce - 90
Muerte - 100
Must - 256
Naivar - 105
Nessy - 494
Nibbs - 636
Nimbleshlitz - 520
Nimzo - 428
Noizey - 147
Nooch - 418
Northern - 80
Novicane - 70
Nukkani - 426
Nukz - 329
Odemus - 131
Offa - 571
Ogaar - 274
Ophidian - 98
Optinar - 1020
Optinax - 177
Optinia - 565
Paavu - 559
Paco - 401
Pandora - 60
Pass - 86
Percivel - 576
Pewpewlazr - 117
Pfeil - 59
Pharmacy - 324
Pidern - 116
Pipa - 118
Portn - 106
Postmaster - 70
Quikwind - 530
Ramsus - 119
Rastignac - 84
Razzax - 380
Reludara - 91
Rezn - 120
Rhaad - 228
Ricken - 60
Rings - 180
Rizen - 673
Robark - 755
Romi - 190
Ruggedly - 259
Ryarch - 534
Ryleric - 123
Rynion - 80
Sandorr - 110
Sauve - 495
Sayanara - 117
Scagnetti - 925
Scene - 250
Scyan - 130
Serb - 190
Sharkk - 76
Shaddowknight - 284
Shaughnessy - 143
Shivver - 250
Shortfused - 1327
Shoryu - 90
Skars - 781
Skinzz - 670
Skjor - 200
Skooma - 150
Skyblue - 767
Skydrops - 160
Slagathor - 299
Sledgehammer - 320
Slowerthan - 389
Sodapop - 1830
Sohigh - 422
Solec - 454
Sparkles - 1073
Squeaks - 383
Stahz - 60
Stinkysally - 98
Strauss - 1301
Straz - 60
Striking - 90
Sumjuan - 167
Summona - 100
Switch - 70
Synfully - 486
Syphe - 79
Tadow - 80
Tapn - 1646
Tasik - 80
Teri - 474
Terraxe - 49
Tezzeret - 110
Thermonuclear - 96
Thrang - 245
Thun - 94
Toxo - 70
Treehealer - 200
Trublcleff - 100
Tulil - 84
Tuluvian - 194
Tuvyen - 598
Twentington - 90
Twiddling - 70
Twixx - 229
Ubah - 487
Uglyaf - 457
Vaerian - 543
Vasanle - 504
Vashazir - 1243
Vastator - 1635
Venefica - 80
Veuqt - 400
Viniu - 412
Vlud - 2028
Vodn - 1453
Vycera - 60
Vycero - 80
Vypros - 133
Wakan - 793
Warang - 135
Warfire - 170
Weelost - 2507
Wendal - 128
Windbag - 326
Winx - 123
Witchy - 725
Xank - 1244
Yavimaya - 204
Yurinary - 619
Zaerian - 1302
Zanimo - 1016
Zinky - 683
Zixxi - 60
Zodemus - 110
Zurdann - 747
Zwackattack - 124
Zynk - 120
Last edited by Burta (9/23/2019 3:43 pm)
OK DKP is now 100% updated and correct. I double checked all the numbers. Everyone got 50 DKP to start with, then 5 DKP for being on time when the raid started and 5 points for being in the raid for last call. And then each Mini we killed got you 2 points.
we need to keep record of subtractions per item for the listings. to avoid confusions.
DKP Updated to add the 10 DKP promised to anyone who signed up for the message board by last night.
A google Excel Sheet works well also...everyone gets a link to view only. Just a thought.
Add me to the list please! : )
Aveline wrote:
A google Excel Sheet works well also...everyone gets a link to view only. Just a thought.
This would be nice. Could add class column so that we could sort and see what other of our class have.
Hey Burta, could you make divisions by classes? would be cool to see who we compete with
Burta - you've got mail.
Sorry this is late in coming, but Armor was able to supply logs so we were able to confirm the DKP spending from Hate 5/12. I sent you those purchases (item and dkp bid confirmed via log) in mail.
Please add me when you have time Burta Thank you
Burta I am missing dkp from Sunday Night 6/16 I was there for Severilous ( never spawned ), Faydedar, Talendor, and the first attempt on Trakanon.
Last edited by Nooch (6/17/2019 9:33 pm)
It's because it's not updated yet nooch, look at the date.
Hey Burta I think my total is wrong. I had 633 dkp before Sundays raid. I bid for the runed bolster belt and won for 200. I did not win anything else. My total should be 433+ dkp for Sundays raid correct? Or am I missing something?
It may have been a different total to start with, but I know I should not have 83dkp right now unless I completely missed something.
Last edited by Optinar (7/08/2019 10:40 pm)
Your right should have been 483. If u look at the raid area under each raid i put down all the dumps as well as who spent what so its easy to see if anything is messed up. I got the new total fixed for you.
Could I get added to DKP list please - Player name: Maerhlyn
goldeni wrote:
Could I get added to DKP list please - Player name: Maerhlyn
You are added. It's in alphabetical order.
Heres a compromise...someone make a list of the IJA / IJN aircraft, then go through the board and find out which ones have been done I have no idea, and then PM me the list and Ill add it.
I had been thinking of doing this and then I saw the idea in the suggestions forum so Ill take charge of updating this list. If you have a player that you are looking to transfer to another player, please post here and I will update the list. I will make sure to update this every time I log on.
Players looking for new owner