We have a few upgrades since the release of Kunark and I'm wondering what other's thoughts are on what to use in 3 areas; Tash, charm and haste.
Tash - I'm not sure if Tashianan is any better magic and poison debuff than Tashiana. I know it has a much larger hate value vs. mobs, but Zam doesn't go into detail on actual debuff value vs. level. I'm thinking Tashiana is the way to go - Thoughts? And as for the AE Winds of Tashianan spell, what's the purpose? to tick off a bunch of mobs at once? When would you use that one?
Charm - I'm thinking Allure is still the best to use on mobs that are at the level cap to charm with it. Boltran's Agacerie is good up to 53, but a much shorter duration and maybe it's just me, but it seems to break more often. Obviously Dictate (If I ever get it) would be situational and not a "go-to" option in most cases. Do you all agree or do you have another perspective?
Mezz - Glamor of Kintaz spell is only a 54 second duration, but works on mobs to level 57 (I think), whereas Dazzle is good for 1 min 36 secs up to level 55 (seems like a better choice in most cases). Obviously the trusty old Mesmerize (L2 spell) is great for charm breaks and backup up to level 55 and should also always be loaded. I rarely use the AE ones, but Fascination has it's place in situations (like the Royals) I suppose - more for crazy CC situations than regular use in my opinion. Rapture is another situational spell in situations like mini bosses and golems on mass pulls but I don't think it's useful in most situations. - Thoughts?
Torment of Argli - I loaded this last night and it's pretty good - it's a stun and mana drain over time. Don't use it on mezzed mobs but on the MA target it's quite useful. I am getting at least 5% mana per average mob kill. The longer the fight, the more mana you get back.
Stuns - In certain situations - like healing mobs, Largarn's Lamentation (with a mana drain component) and the Color lines - If you load 3 you can stund pretty much continuously, but you have to drop (obviously) something to make room for 3 (of 8) loaded spells.
What's your standard spell set for groups? I have Charm, Torment of Argli, Short Mez, Long Mez, Tash, Haste or crack (this slot's a quick buff floater), Theft of Thought and Recant Magic
I appreciate your insights on the above.
Last edited by AdonnaofMangler (6/21/2019 8:40 am)