Start time is 730pm EST. Please meet up at the AoC in the Feerrott. As always we may hit more targets depending on how fast we get done clearing the zone so please be on time if not a little early to help out with getting buffs and a good start so we can move on to more targets.
OK after Wednesday nights raid we are trying out a new looting system. Since everyone seems to be so against allowing everyone to roll on items and allowing people to sell items for tonight and the rest of the weekend we are implementing the following DKP bidding and looting system:
Bids will be Raiders > Members > Alts.
Only classes that can use an item can bid on them and on certain items those classes will be limited to the classes that can best use the item to help the guild.
If an item is droppable and not an upgrade for a character currently on the raid it will be looted and sold by the guild bank.
Since tonight is Fear and usually naggy and vox here are the list of class restricted items:
Bladestopper - Warrior, SK, Pally
Cloak of Flames - Warrior, SK, Pally, Monk, Rogue, Bard
Red Dragon Scales - Epic loot randomed to Warriors and Bards any extra goes to guild bank
Treasure Hunter's Satchel - Any class limit 1 per person
Kavruul's Mystic Pouch - Any class limit 1 per person
Runed Bolster Belt - Warrior, SK, Pally, Monk, Bard, Rogue
Tobrin's Mystical Eyepatch - Wizard, Druid, Cleric, Necro, Shaman, Mage, Enchanter
White Dragon Hide - Wizard, Druid, Cleric, Necro, Shaman, Mage, Enchanter
White Dragon Scales - Epic loot randomed to Bards any extra goes to guild bank
Cazic Thule:
Amulet of Necropotence - Necro, Mage, Enchanter, Wizard
Brain of Cazic-Thule - Any class
Cloak of the Fearsome - Warrior, Pally, SK, Monk, Bard, Rogue
Eye of Cazic-Thule - Wizard, Druid, Cleric, Necro, Shaman, Mage, Enchanter
Darkwood Trunk - Any class limit 1 per person
Slime Blood of Cazic-Thule - Epic loot randomed for Necro epic any extra goes to guild bank
Will update and post restricted items each night before the raid for the rest of the weekend and hopefully we will have a new revised DKP rule list by Wednesday nights raid.
Starting DKP:
Acropora - 1126
Adonna - 298
Airmed - 831
Anayar - 194
Anchor - 90
Anthem - 296
Armor - 470
Arrion - 252
Artor - 1053
Ashteroth - 327
Audubon - 685
Aveline - 260
Azriel - 90
Bardoksing - 767
Bardova - 100
Beanz - 239
Beerd - 555
Bigma - 895
Bitsy - 90
Bobaye - 351
Booch - 58
Booradley - 60
Braneldar - 290
Briseyu - 60
Brutal - 832
Brutale - 86
Burnberry - 763
Burta - 1591
Buter - 178
Cepssis - 773
Cletuz - 88
Clever - 139
Crazyjerm - 945
Daleena - 110
Darkwell - 209
Dazk - 236
Dedrath - 454
Doze - 428
Drachnor - 153
Dragotin - 75
Draix - 427
Draya - 294
Dreekenail - 279
Drink - 169
Driz - 88
Druyd - 95
Eilgrad - 568
Elmindra - 70
Eriskegal - 435
Faraday - 554
Felcan - 1017
Flyre - 222
Foreverburing - 867
Getrdone - 562
Gnomoney - 128
Godking - 115
Gooph - 159
Gorebath - 60
Granular - 611
Grimsly - 436
Gunnard - 251
Hairee - 276
Healzja - 76
Himotep - 531
Hoolio - 101
Igetlost - 245
Imamonk - 396
Indrid - 70
Innego - 551
Janmichaelz - 69
Jelbrina - 109
Jools - 368
Juri -130
Kalebosh - 67
Kazu - 871
Kendainea - 148
Kikris - 358
Krokben - 90
Kutsu - 444
Lahnfear - 195
Lanaev - 115
Lassic - 276
Lellnoria - 100
Linsa - 249
Littletree - 911
Lucianna - 1043
Lyphe - 128
Magi - 823
Magnusen - 436
Marburg - 60
Margoth - 199
Markuss - 181
Mezn - 129
Mezzmureyez - 130
Michaelin - 130
Mort - 454
Must - 98
Naivar - 105
Nessy - 483
Nibbs - 386
Nimbleshlitz - 480
Nimzo - 1288
Noizey - 147
Nooch - 328
Northern - 80
Nukz - 329
Odemus - 131
Offa - 151
Ogaar - 274
Optinar - 593
Paco - 60
Pandora - 60
Pass - 86
Percivel - 312
Pewpewlazr - 117
Pfeil - 59
Pidern - 97
Pipa - 70
Portn - 70
Quikwind - 360
Ramsus - 119
Rastignac - 84
Reludara - 196
Rezn - 70
Ricken - 60
Rings - 180
Rizen - 128
Robark - 537
Ruggedly - 119
Ryarch - 351
Ryleric - 123
Rynion - 80
Sayanara - 87
Scagnetti - 329
Scyan - 130
Sharkk - 76
Shortfused - 811
Skinzz - 205
Skooma - 70
Skyblue - 345
Sledgehammer - 216
Sodapop - 1018
Sohigh - 164
Solec - 234
Sparkles - 961
Stinkysally - 98
Strauss - 972
Straz - 60
Striking - 90
Sumjuan - 167
Switch - 70
Syphe - 79
Tapn - 780
Teri - 140
Terraxe - 49
Thermonuclear - 96
Thrang - 245
Thun - 94
Tulil - 84
Tuluvian - 164
Twixx - 229
Ubah - 447
Vaerian - 493
Vashazir - 551
Vastator - 1137
Veuqt - 297
Vlud - 1189
Vodn - 1204
Vycera - 60
Vycero - 80
Vypros - 133
Wakan - 793
Warfire - 170
Weelost - 1132
Wendal - 128
Windbag - 726
Winx - 114
Witchy - 725
Xank - 844
Yurinary - 788
Zaerian - 633
Zinky - 371
Zixxi - 60
Zodemus - 110
Zwackattack - 89
Last edited by Burta (7/03/2019 10:45 pm)
On time dump:
6 Acropora 60 Wizard Yes
6 Anayar 60 Cleric Yes
2 Armor 60 Paladin Group Leader Yes
6 Arrion 58 Ranger Group Leader Yes
1 Audubon 60 Druid Yes
5 Bardoksing 60 Bard Group Leader Yes
6 Beerd 60 Paladin Raid Leader Yes
7 Bigma 60 Shaman Yes
3 Booch 53 Bard Yes
7 Braneldar 60 Cleric Yes
1 Burta 59 Warrior Group Leader Yes
2 Eriskegal 60 Rogue Yes
3 Faraday 60 Enchanter Yes
2 Foreverburning 59 Ranger Yes
8 Gnomoney 55 Necromancer Yes
5 Granular 60 Shaman Yes
1 Grimsly 60 Bard Yes
4 Himotep 60 Magician Yes
3 Jelbrina 53 Wizard Yes
4 Kazu 60 Enchanter Yes
5 Linsa 60 Rogue Yes
5 Lucianna 60 Wizard Yes
3 Magnusen 60 Warrior Yes
8 Mort 60 Cleric Group Leader Yes
7 Must 60 Monk Yes
4 Nimzo 60 Magician Yes
3 Nooch 60 Cleric Group Leader Yes
1 Optinar 60 Warrior Yes
3 Percivel 60 Paladin Yes
8 Quikwind 60 Ranger Yes
2 Reludara 57 Monk Yes
6 Rizen 60 Paladin Yes
6 Ryarch 60 Ranger Yes
7 Scagnetti 58 Shadow Knight Group Leader Yes
8 Shortfused 60 Wizard Yes
1 Skyblue 60 Cleric Yes
2 Sohigh 54 Shaman Yes
7 Sparkles 60 Enchanter Yes
2 Strauss 58 Bard Yes
7 Tapn 60 Necromancer Yes
4 Teri 56 Druid Yes
5 Vastator 60 Monk Yes
5 Vlud 60 Rogue Yes
1 Vodn 60 Warrior Yes
4 Weelost 60 Magician Group Leader Yes
4 Yurinary 60 Enchanter Yes
8 Zwackattack 60 Magician Yes
830pm dump:
6 Acropora 60 Wizard Yes
6 Anayar 60 Cleric Yes
2 Armor 60 Paladin Group Leader Yes
6 Arrion 58 Ranger Group Leader Yes
1 Audubon 60 Druid Yes
5 Bardoksing 60 Bard Group Leader Yes
6 Beerd 60 Paladin Raid Leader Yes
7 Bigma 60 Shaman Yes
3 Booch 53 Bard Yes
7 Braneldar 60 Cleric Yes
1 Burta 59 Warrior Group Leader Yes
8 Draix 60 Rogue Yes
2 Eriskegal 60 Rogue Yes
3 Faraday 60 Enchanter Yes
2 Foreverburning 59 Ranger Yes
8 Gnomoney 55 Necromancer Yes
5 Granular 60 Shaman Yes
1 Grimsly 60 Bard Yes
4 Himotep 60 Magician Yes
3 Jelbrina 53 Wizard Yes
4 Kazu 60 Enchanter Yes
5 Linsa 60 Rogue Yes
5 Lucianna 60 Wizard Yes
3 Magnusen 60 Warrior Yes
8 Mort 60 Cleric Group Leader Yes
7 Must 60 Monk Yes
9 Nessy 60 Warrior Yes
4 Nimzo 60 Magician Yes
3 Nooch 60 Cleric Group Leader Yes
1 Optinar 60 Warrior Yes
3 Percivel 60 Paladin Yes
8 Quikwind 60 Ranger Yes
5 Reludara 57 Monk Yes
6 Rizen 60 Paladin Yes
6 Ryarch 60 Ranger X
7 Scagnetti 58 Shadow Knight Group Leader Yes
8 Shortfused 60 Wizard Yes
9 Skinzz 58 Monk Yes
1 Skyblue 60 Cleric Yes
2 Sohigh 54 Shaman Yes
7 Sparkles 60 Enchanter Yes
2 Strauss 58 Bard Yes
7 Tapn 60 Necromancer X
4 Teri 56 Druid Yes
5 Vastator 60 Monk Yes
2 Vlud 60 Rogue X
1 Vodn 60 Warrior Yes
4 Weelost 60 Magician Group Leader Yes
4 Yurinary 60 Enchanter Yes
9 Zinky 60 Magician Group Leader Yes
8 Zwackattack 60 Magician Yes
930pm dump:
8 Anayar 60 Cleric X
2 Armor 60 Paladin Group Leader X
7 Arrion 58 Ranger Group Leader X
1 Audubon 60 Druid Yes
5 Bardoksing 60 Bard X
9 Beerd 60 Paladin Raid Leader Yes
9 Bigma 60 Shaman X
3 Booch 53 Bard X
6 Braneldar 60 Cleric Group Leader X
1 Burta 59 Warrior Group Leader Yes
5 Cepssis 60 Necromancer X
8 Draix 60 Rogue X
3 Faraday 60 Enchanter X
2 Foreverburning 59 Ranger Yes
7 Gnomoney 55 Necromancer X
6 Granular 60 Shaman X
1 Grimsly 60 Bard X
4 Himotep 60 Magician X
5 Izarian 48 Ranger Yes
7 Janmichaelz 60 Shaman X
3 Jelbrina 53 Wizard X
4 Kazu 60 Enchanter Yes
8 Linsa 60 Rogue Group Leader X
9 Lucianna 60 Wizard Yes
3 Magnusen 60 Warrior X
5 Mort 60 Cleric Group Leader X
8 Must 60 Monk X
5 Nessy 60 Warrior Yes
6 Nimzo 60 Magician X
3 Nooch 60 Cleric Group Leader X
7 Optinar 60 Warrior X
3 Percivel 60 Paladin Yes
9 Quikwind 60 Ranger Group Leader X
9 Rizen 60 Paladin Yes
4 Robark 56 Bard Yes
7 Scagnetti 58 Shadow Knight X
7 Shortfused 60 Wizard X
2 Skinzz 58 Monk X
1 Skyblue 60 Cleric X
2 Sohigh 54 Shaman Yes
6 Sparkles 60 Enchanter X
2 Strauss 58 Bard X
6 Tapn 60 Necromancer X
4 Teri 56 Druid Yes
1 Vashazir 60 Shadow Knight X
6 Vastator 60 Monk X
2 Vlud 60 Rogue X
1 Vodn 60 Warrior X
4 Weelost 60 Magician Group Leader X
4 Yurinary 60 Enchanter Yes
8 Zinky 60 Magician X
8 Zwackattack 60 Magician X
0 Portn 50 Wizard X
Last call dump:
8 Anayar 60 Cleric X
2 Armor 60 Paladin Group Leader X
7 Arrion 58 Ranger Group Leader X
1 Audubon 60 Druid Yes
6 Bardoksing 60 Bard X
6 Beerd 60 Paladin Raid Leader Yes
9 Bigma 60 Shaman X
6 Braneldar 60 Cleric Group Leader X
3 Brutal 55 Shadow Knight X
3 Brutale 60 Cleric X
1 Burta 59 Warrior Group Leader Yes
8 Draix 60 Rogue Group Leader X
3 Faraday 60 Enchanter X
2 Foreverburning 59 Ranger Yes
7 Gnomoney 55 Necromancer X
6 Granular 60 Shaman X
1 Grimsly 60 Bard X
5 Izarian 48 Ranger Yes
7 Janmichaelz 60 Shaman X
4 Kazu 60 Enchanter Yes
5 Linsa 60 Rogue X
9 Lucianna 60 Wizard Yes
3 Magnusen 60 Warrior Group Leader X
5 Mort 60 Cleric Group Leader X
1 Nimzo 60 Magician X
7 Optinar 60 Warrior X
3 Percivel 60 Paladin Yes
9 Quikwind 60 Ranger Group Leader X
3 Rizen 60 Paladin Yes
4 Robark 56 Bard Yes
9 Ryarch 60 Ranger X
7 Scagnetti 58 Shadow Knight X
7 Shortfused 60 Wizard X
2 Skinzz 58 Monk X
1 Skyblue 60 Cleric X
2 Sohigh 54 Shaman Yes
5 Sparkles 60 Enchanter X
2 Strauss 58 Bard X
4 Teri 56 Druid Yes
6 Vashazir 60 Shadow Knight X
6 Vastator 60 Monk X
2 Vlud 60 Rogue X
1 Vodn 60 Warrior X
5 Warang 46 Rogue X
4 Weelost 60 Magician Group Leader X
4 Yurinary 60 Enchanter Yes
8 Zinky 60 Magician X
8 Zwackattack 60 Magician X
DKP Spent:
Bladestopper - Vodn - 10
Blight, Hammer of the Scourge - Sohigh - 1
Dragon Bone Bracelet - Quikwind - 20
Eyerazzia - Warang - 1
Fusible Coral Ore - Ryarch - 1
Polished Mithril Mask - Zwackattack - 5
Robe of the Kedge - Himotep - 50
Rusty Mithril Sword - Nessy - 24
Thorny Vine Bracer - Foreverburning - 1
Trident of the Seven Seas - Linsa - 1
Umbral Platemail Boots - Scagnetti - 1
Valorium Boots - Rizen - 1
Vermiculated Gloves - Audubon - 1
Woven Shadow Bracer - Warang - 1
DKP was given out as 10 points each for 1st and last call and 10 points each for the 830 and 930 dumps for a total of 40 DKP possible.