Starting DKP:
Acropora - 1575
Adonna - 581
Airmed - 786
Albeddo - 478
Alexandrine - 347
Anayar - 159
Anchor - 90
Antha - 171
Anthem - 296
Armor - 803
Armoras - 234
Arrion - 372
Artor - 1271
Ashteroth - 327
Audubon - 1658
Aveline - 260
Avey - 100
Axegrind - 538
Azriel - 90
Babiboo - 170
Bardoksing - 441
Bardova - 130
Beanz - 289
Beerd - 824
Bigma - 1914
Bitsy - 232
Bobaye - 351
Booch - 88
Booradley - 60
Braneldar - 128
Briseyu - 60
Broncfreak - 110
Brutal - 1838
Brutale - 1196
Burnberry - 1033
Burta - 2435
Buter - 178
Cels - 376
Cepssis - 783
Cletuz - 88
Clever - 139
Crazyjerm - 1385
Crota - 117
Cyana - 110
Daddyphatsack - 319
Dala - 148
Daleena - 110
Danns - 60
Darkwell - 209
Dazk - 236
Dedrath - 464
Deryen - 419
Dethriff - 585
Doze - 428
Drachnor - 153
Dragotin - 75
Draix - 547
Draya - 294
Dreekenail - 169
Drink - 169
Driz - 88
Druyd - 95
Dyth - 504
Eatn - 119
Eilgrad - 1140
Elmindra - 170
Erbric - 70
Eriskegal - 544
Faraday - 904
Fartacus - 190
Felcan - 921
Fiodewn - 380
Flyingkick - 738
Flyre - 468
Foote - 414
Foreverburing - 841
Getrdone - 1361
Gnomoney - 168
Godking - 115
Gooph - 159
Gorebath - 60
Granular - 1169
Grimsly - 476
Gunnard - 797
Hairee - 436
Happyily - 375
Healzja - 265
Healzu - 160
Hilz - 110
Himotep - 581
Hipnote - 299
Hoolio - 342
Ibelost - 164
Igetlost - 583
Imamonk - 396
Imperial - 710
Indrid - 187
Innego - 1526
Ironbunz - 544
Isak - 1016
Izarian - 377
Jaibeze - 189
Janmichaelz - 178
Jelbrina - 139
Jools - 846
Juri -450
Kalebosh - 67
Karney - 439
Katka - 248
Kazu - 1080
Kegan - 265
Kendainea - 148
Kikris - 478
Kizack - 294
Krokben - 90
Kurbi - 166
Kutsu - 824
Ladwene - 538
Ladygrey - 253
Lahnfear - 195
Lanaev - 115
Larlen - 350
Lassic - 276
Leaff - 1065
Lellnoria - 110
Linsa - 1177
Littletree - 1395
Logan - 98
Lucianna - 1130
Lupine - 115
Lyphe - 128
Maerhlyn - 169
Magi - 336
Magnusen - 962
Malisha - 508
Marburg - 60
Margoth - 199
Markuss - 181
Matrum - 717
Mazrall - 444
Melma - 170
Merle - 208
Metonym - 178
Mezn - 129
Mezzmureyez - 130
Michaelin - 764
Mort - 615
Must - 256
Naivar - 105
Nessy - 494
Nibbs - 636
Nimbleshlitz - 520
Nimzo - 428
Noizey - 147
Nooch - 418
Northern - 80
Novicane - 70
Nukkani - 326
Nukz - 329
Odemus - 131
Offa - 571
Ogaar - 274
Ophidian - 98
Optinar - 981
Optinax - 177
Optinia - 415
Paavu - 340
Paco - 401
Pandora - 60
Pass - 86
Percivel - 576
Pewpewlazr - 117
Pfeil - 59
Pharmacy - 304
Pidern - 116
Pipa - 118
Portn - 106
Quikwind - 530
Ramsus - 119
Rastignac - 84
Razzax - 380
Reludara - 91
Rezn - 120
Rhaad - 228
Ricken - 60
Rings - 180
Rizen - 673
Robark - 755
Ruggedly - 259
Ryarch - 534
Ryleric - 123
Rynion - 80
Sauve - 495
Sayanara - 117
Scagnetti - 925
Scene - 250
Scyan - 130
Sharkk - 76
Shaddowknight - 340
Shaughnessy - 143
Shortfused - 1327
Shoryu - 90
Skars - 781
Skinzz - 670
Skjor - 200
Skooma - 150
Skyblue - 543
Slagathor - 384
Sledgehammer - 320
Slowerthan - 359
Sodapop - 1830
Sohigh - 422
Solec - 414
Sparkles - 1073
Squeaks - 383
Stahz - 60
Stinkysally - 98
Strauss - 1301
Straz - 60
Striking - 90
Sumjuan - 167
Switch - 70
Synfully - 601
Syphe - 79
Tadow - 80
Tapn - 1646
Teri - 444
Terraxe - 49
Thermonuclear - 96
Thrang - 245
Thun - 94
Treehealer - 200
Tulil - 84
Tuluvian - 194
Tuvyen - 578
Twentington - 90
Twiddling - 70
Twixx - 229
Ubah - 487
Uglyaf - 407
Vaerian - 543
Vasanle - 285
Vashazir - 1243
Vastator - 1635
Venefica - 80
Veuqt - 400
Viniu - 264
Vlud - 2028
Vodn - 1453
Vycera - 60
Vycero - 80
Vypros - 133
Wakan - 793
Warang - 135
Warfire - 170
Weelost - 2748
Wendal - 128
Windbag - 326
Winx - 123
Witchy - 725
Xank - 1244
Yurinary - 619
Zaerian - 1302
Zanimo - 877
Zinky - 683
Zixxi - 60
Zodemus - 110
Zurdann - 747
Zwackattack - 124
Last edited by Burta (9/18/2019 3:13 pm)
On time dump:
4 Acropora 60 Wizard
1 Alexandrine 60 Bard
3 Armoras 60 Monk
5 Audubon 60 Druid Group Leader
1 Burta 60 Warrior Group Leader
4 Deryen 51 Wizard
2 Dyth 60 Cleric
3 Happyily 54 Cleric
2 Hilz 60 Cleric
2 Isak 60 Bard Raid Leader
3 Karney 60 Necromancer
3 Kegan 52 Druid Group Leader
2 Kizack 57 Shaman
4 Larlen 55 Monk
3 Lucianna 60 Wizard
1 Magnusen 60 Warrior
2 Matrum 60 Cleric
3 Mazrall 60 Magician
1 Michaelin 57 Shadow Knight
5 Nukkani 60 Druid
5 Paavu 59 Wizard
4 Shivver 47 Rogue
2 Skyblue 60 Cleric Group Leader
4 Slagathor 59 Shaman
4 Tuvyen 58 Paladin Group Leader
5 Vasanle 60 Necromancer
1 Zanimo 60 Monk
0 Fartacus 51 Druid
0 Innego 56 Druid
0 Kikris 60 Druid
0 Maerhlyn 60 Enchanter
0 Synfully 60 Magician
0 Weelost 60 Magician
830pm dump:
4 Acropora 60 Wizard
1 Alexandrine 60 Bard
3 Armoras 60 Monk
2 Audubon 60 Druid
1 Burta 60 Warrior Group Leader
4 Deryen 51 Wizard
1 Dyth 60 Cleric
6 Fartacus 51 Druid Group Leader
2 Happyily 54 Cleric
2 Hilz 60 Cleric
6 Innego 56 Druid
2 Isak 60 Bard Raid Leader
3 Karney 60 Necromancer
3 Kegan 52 Druid Group Leader
3 Kizack 57 Shaman
4 Larlen 55 Monk
3 Lucianna 60 Wizard
5 Maerhlyn 60 Enchanter
1 Magnusen 60 Warrior
2 Matrum 60 Cleric
3 Mazrall 60 Magician
1 Michaelin 57 Shadow Knight
5 Nukkani 60 Druid
5 Paavu 59 Wizard Group Leader
1 Shaddowknight 60 Shadow Knight
6 Shivver 47 Rogue
2 Skyblue 60 Cleric Group Leader
4 Slagathor 59 Shaman
5 Synfully 60 Magician
4 Tuvyen 58 Paladin Group Leader
5 Vasanle 60 Necromancer
6 Weelost 60 Magician
6 Zanimo 60 Monk
930pm dump:
5 Acropora 60 Wizard
1 Alexandrine 60 Bard
4 Armoras 60 Monk
2 Audubon 60 Druid
1 Burta 60 Warrior Group Leader
7 Cirelc 56 Cleric Group Leader
6 Daddyphatsack 60 Monk
6 Deryen 51 Wizard Group Leader
7 Dethriff 60 Ranger
3 Dyth 60 Cleric
4 Fartacus 51 Druid
2 Happyily 54 Cleric
2 Hilz 60 Cleric
1 Innego 56 Druid
2 Isak 60 Bard Raid Leader
3 Karney 60 Necromancer
3 Kegan 52 Druid Group Leader
3 Kizack 57 Shaman
6 Kolosuss 45 Shadow Knight
4 Larlen 55 Monk
3 Lucianna 60 Wizard
5 Maerhlyn 60 Enchanter
1 Magnusen 60 Warrior
2 Matrum 60 Cleric Group Leader
3 Mazrall 60 Magician
1 Michaelin 57 Shadow Knight
7 Paavu 60 Wizard
1 Shaddowknight 60 Shadow Knight
4 Shivver 47 Rogue Group Leader
2 Skyblue 60 Cleric
5 Slagathor 59 Shaman
5 Synfully 60 Magician Group Leader
5 Vasanle 60 Necromancer
6 Weelost 60 Magician
4 Zanimo 60 Monk
1030pm dump:
5 Acropora 60 Wizard Yes
1 Alexandrine 60 Bard Yes
4 Armoras 60 Monk Yes
2 Audubon 60 Druid Yes
1 Burta 60 Warrior Group Leader Yes
6 Cirelc 56 Cleric Yes
3 Daddyphatsack 60 Monk Yes
6 Deryen 51 Wizard Group Leader Yes
4 Dethriff 60 Ranger Yes
4 Fartacus 51 Druid Yes
2 Happyily 54 Cleric Yes
1 Hilz 60 Cleric Yes
2 Innego 56 Druid Group Leader Yes
2 Isak 60 Bard Raid Leader Yes
3 Karney 60 Necromancer Yes
3 Kegan 52 Druid Group Leader Yes
3 Kizack 57 Shaman Yes
6 Kolosuss 45 Shadow Knight Yes
5 Larlen 55 Monk Yes
5 Maerhlyn 60 Enchanter Yes
2 Magnusen 60 Warrior Yes
1 Matrum 60 Cleric Yes
3 Mazrall 60 Magician Yes
2 Michaelin 57 Shadow Knight Yes
3 Nukkani 60 Druid Yes
6 Paavu 60 Wizard Yes
1 Shaddowknight 60 Shadow Knight Yes
4 Shivver 47 Rogue Group Leader Yes
1 Skyblue 60 Cleric Yes
5 Slagathor 59 Shaman Yes
5 Synfully 60 Magician Group Leader Yes
6 Tasik 60 Ranger Yes
5 Vasanle 60 Necromancer Yes
6 Weelost 60 Magician Yes
4 Zanimo 60 Monk Yes
4 Zynk 50 Monk Yes
1130pm dump:
7 Acropora 60 Wizard Group Leader Yes
1 Alexandrine 60 Bard Yes
6 Armoras 60 Monk Yes
2 Audubon 60 Druid Yes
4 Burta 60 Warrior Yes
1 Daddyphatsack 60 Monk Yes
4 Dethriff 60 Ranger Yes
4 Fartacus 51 Druid Yes
3 Happyily 54 Cleric Yes
4 Hilz 60 Cleric Yes
5 Innego 56 Druid Yes
2 Isak 60 Bard Raid Leader Yes
3 Karney 60 Necromancer Group Leader Yes
3 Kizack 57 Shaman Yes
5 Larlen 55 Monk Yes
3 Maerhlyn 60 Enchanter Yes
2 Magnusen 60 Warrior Group Leader Yes
6 Mazrall 60 Magician Group Leader Yes
7 Nukkani 60 Druid Yes
7 Paavu 59 Wizard Yes
1 Shaddowknight 60 Shadow Knight Yes
6 Shivver 48 Rogue Yes
1 Skyblue 60 Cleric Group Leader Yes
6 Slagathor 59 Shaman Yes
3 Synfully 60 Magician Yes
5 Tasik 60 Ranger Yes
7 Toxo 10 Shadow Knight Yes
5 Vasanle 60 Necromancer Group Leader Yes
5 Weelost 60 Magician Yes
4 Zanimo 60 Monk Yes
4 Zynk 50 Monk Group Leader Yes
matrum and kegan both here
Last call dump:
7 Acropora 60 Wizard Group Leader Yes
1 Alexandrine 60 Bard Yes
6 Armoras 60 Monk Yes
2 Audubon 60 Druid Yes
4 Burta 60 Warrior Yes
1 Daddyphatsack 60 Monk Yes
4 Dethriff 60 Ranger Yes
4 Fartacus 51 Druid Yes
3 Happyily 54 Cleric Yes
4 Hilz 60 Cleric Yes
5 Innego 56 Druid Yes
2 Isak 60 Bard Raid Leader Yes
3 Karney 60 Necromancer Group Leader Yes
3 Kizack 57 Shaman Yes
5 Larlen 55 Monk Yes
3 Maerhlyn 60 Enchanter Yes
2 Magnusen 60 Warrior Group Leader Yes
6 Mazrall 60 Magician Group Leader Yes
7 Nukkani 60 Druid Yes
7 Paavu 59 Wizard Yes
1 Shaddowknight 60 Shadow Knight Yes
6 Shivver 48 Rogue Yes
1 Skyblue 60 Cleric Group Leader Yes
6 Slagathor 59 Shaman Yes
3 Synfully 60 Magician Yes
5 Tasik 60 Ranger Yes
7 Toxo 10 Shadow Knight Yes
5 Vasanle 60 Necromancer Group Leader Yes
5 Weelost 60 Magician Yes
4 Zanimo 60 Monk Yes
4 Zynk 50 Monk Group Leader Yes
matrum and kegan both here
DKP Spent:
Barbed Dragonscale Boots - Larlen - 35
Black Blade of Tormenting - Kizack - 15
Bloody Claw of Veredenia - Burta - 1
Bufo's Talisman - Alexandrine - 266
Coldian Skin Gloves - Slagathor - 95
Corroded Chain Coil - Kizack - 5
Dire Wolf-Hide Cloak - Kizack - 2
Entariz's Talisman - Michaelin - 370
Gladiator's Chain Boots - Michaelin - 55
Hammer of Rage - Cirelc - 1
Ionat's Talisman - Shaddowknight - 325
Silver Steel Gauntlets - Burta - 2
Steel Wristband of Strategy - Paavu - 1
Torn Enchanted Silk Boots - Weelost - 111
Torn Enchanted Silk Boots - Karney - 55
Torn Enchanted Silk Boots - Deryen - 50
Total DKP possible for this raid was 60 points.