Start time is 730pm EST. Please meet up at the AoC in South Ro. As always we may hit more targets depending on how fast we get done clearing the zone so please be on time if not a little early to help out with getting buffs and a good start so we can move on to more targets.
Starting DKP:
Acropora - 986
Adonna - 248
Airmed - 741
Anayar - 199
Anchor - 90
Anthem - 296
Armor - 300
Arrion - 222
Artor - 913
Ashteroth - 327
Audubon - 498
Aveline - 260
Azriel - 90
Bardoksing - 759
Bardova - 100
Beanz - 239
Beerd - 775
Bigma - 725
Bitsy - 60
Bobaye - 351
Booradley - 60
Braneldar - 161
Briseyu - 60
Brutal - 632
Brutale - 506
Burnberry - 614
Burta - 1411
Buter - 178
Cepssis - 733
Cletuz - 88
Clever - 139
Crazyjerm - 885
Daleena - 110
Darkwell - 209
Dazk - 236
Dedrath - 414
Doze - 428
Drachnor - 135
Dragotin - 75
Draix - 567
Draya - 274
Dreekenail - 150
Drink - 169
Driz - 88
Druyd - 95
Eilgrad - 418
Elmindra - 70
Eriskegal - 613
Faraday - 384
Felcan - 858
Flyre - 156
Foreverburing - 747
Getrdone - 662
Gnomoney - 128
Godking - 115
Gooph - 90
Gorebath - 60
Granular - 504
Grimsly - 357
Gunnard - 251
Hairee - 237
Himotep - 637
Igetlost - 208
Imamonk - 396
Innego - 441
Jelbrina - 109
Jools - 508
Juri -130
Kalebosh - 67
Kazu - 701
Kendainea - 1168
Kikris - 328
Krokben - 90
Kutsu - 324
Lahnfear - 195
Lanaev - 115
Lassic - 276
Lellnoria - 100
Linsa - 59
Littletree - 831
Lucianna - 923
Lyphe - 128
Magi - 773
Magnusen - 308
Marburg - 60
Margoth - 100
Markuss - 120
Mezn - 129
Mezzmureyez - 130
Michaelin - 380
Mort - 404
Must - 120
Naivar - 105
Nessy - 513
Nibbs - 356
Nimbleshlitz - 380
Nimzo - 1238
Noizey - 98
Nooch - 300
Northern - 80
Nukz - 329
Odemus - 131
Offa - 80
Ogaar - 274
Optinar - 437
Pandora - 60
Pass - 86
Percivel - 382
Pfeil - 59
Pidern - 97
Pipa - 70
Quikwind - 521
Ramsus - 119
Rastignac - 84
Reludara - 311
Rezn - 70
Ricken - 60
Rings - 180
Rizen - 201
Robark - 527
Ryarch - 374
Ryleric - 123
Rynion - 80
Sayanara - 87
Scagnetti - 180
Scyan - 130
Shortfused - 724
Skinzz - 179
Skooma - 70
Skyblue - 250
Sledgehammer - 177
Sodapop - 904
Sohigh - 185
Solec - 234
Sparkles - 802
Stinkysally - 98
Strauss - 810
Straz - 60
Striking - 90
Sumjuan - 167
Switch - 70
Tapn - 690
Terraxe - 49
Thermonuclear - 96
Thrang - 245
Thun - 94
Tulil - 84
Tuluvian - 125
Twixx - 229
Ubah - 447
Vaerian - 483
Vashazir - 875
Vastator - 942
Veuqt - 327
Vlud - 989
Vodn - 1115
Vycera - 60
Vycero - 80
Vypros - 133
Wakan - 743
Warfire - 170
Weelost - 973
Wendal - 128
Windbag - 676
Winx - 84
Witchy - 725
Xank - 794
Yurinary - 614
Zaerian - 583
Zinky - 291
Zixxi - 60
Zodemus - 110
Zwackattack - 336
Last edited by Burta (Yesterday 6:33 pm)
On time dump:
9 Airmed 59 Cleric Yes
4 Anayar 55 Cleric Yes
1 Armor 60 Paladin Group Leader Yes
10 Arrion 58 Ranger Yes
6 Artor 60 Shaman Yes
4 Audubon 59 Druid Yes
9 Bardoksing 60 Bard Group Leader Yes
3 Bigma 60 Shaman Yes
3 Braneldar 57 Cleric Yes
9 Brutal 53 Shadow Knight Yes
9 Brutale 60 Cleric Yes
8 Burnberry 60 Necromancer Raid Leader Yes
5 Burta 56 Warrior Yes
8 Cepssis 60 Necromancer Yes
8 Dedrath 55 Necromancer Yes
8 Dreekenail 58 Necromancer Group Leader Yes
9 Eriskegal 60 Rogue Yes
6 Faraday 60 Enchanter Yes
6 Felcan 58 Cleric Group Leader Yes
6 Flyre 48 Bard Yes
1 Foreverburning 57 Ranger Yes
5 Getrdone 58 Magician Yes
7 Gooph 54 Magician Yes
7 Granular 58 Shaman Yes
10 Hairee 54 Druid Group Leader Yes
7 Hoolio 48 Cleric Group Leader Yes
7 Jools 55 Ranger Yes
6 Kazu 60 Enchanter Yes
8 Kendainea 60 Druid Yes
2 Linsa 58 Rogue Yes
10 Lucianna 60 Wizard Yes
5 Magnusen 57 Warrior Yes
5 Markuss 47 Cleric Yes
4 Michaelin 54 Shadow Knight Yes
10 Must 60 Monk Yes
1 Nessy 60 Warrior Yes
2 Nibbs 55 Cleric Yes
6 Nimbleshlitz 55 Shaman Yes
5 Optinar 49 Warrior Yes
3 Percivel 60 Paladin Yes
5 Reludara 55 Monk Group Leader Yes
2 Rizen 60 Paladin Yes
2 Ruggedly 54 Druid Yes
7 Ryarch 58 Ranger Yes
4 Shortfused 57 Wizard Yes
9 Skyblue 60 Cleric Yes
3 Sodapop 60 Bard Yes
1 Sohigh 52 Shaman Yes
4 Sparkles 57 Enchanter Yes
1 Strauss 57 Bard Yes
7 Vastator 60 Monk Yes
3 Veuqt 60 Cleric Yes
2 Vlud 59 Rogue Yes
3 Vodn 60 Warrior Group Leader Yes
4 Weelost 56 Magician Group Leader Yes
2 Yurinary 60 Enchanter Group Leader Yes
Last edited by Burta (6/28/2019 3:24 pm)
830pm dump:
8 Acropora 59 Wizard Yes
9 Airmed 59 Cleric Yes
4 Anayar 55 Cleric Yes
1 Armor 60 Paladin Group Leader Yes
10 Arrion 58 Ranger Group Leader Yes
6 Artor 60 Shaman Yes
11 Audubon 59 Druid Yes
9 Bardoksing 60 Bard Group Leader Yes
3 Bigma 60 Shaman Yes
3 Braneldar 57 Cleric Yes
9 Brutal 53 Shadow Knight Yes
9 Brutale 60 Cleric Yes
11 Burnberry 60 Necromancer Raid Leader Yes
1 Burta 56 Warrior Yes
8 Cepssis 60 Necromancer Yes
8 Dedrath 55 Necromancer Yes
8 Dreekenail 58 Necromancer Group Leader Yes
10 Eilgrad 60 Cleric Yes
9 Eriskegal 60 Rogue Yes
6 Faraday 60 Enchanter Yes
6 Felcan 58 Cleric Group Leader Yes
6 Flyre 48 Bard Yes
1 Foreverburning 57 Ranger Yes
5 Getrdone 58 Magician Yes
7 Gooph 54 Magician Yes
7 Granular 58 Shaman Yes
11 Hairee 54 Druid Yes
7 Hoolio 48 Cleric Group Leader Yes
7 Jools 55 Ranger Yes
6 Kazu 60 Enchanter Yes
8 Kendainea 60 Druid Yes
2 Linsa 58 Rogue Yes
10 Lucianna 60 Wizard Yes
5 Magnusen 57 Warrior Yes
10 Margoth 54 Paladin Yes
5 Markuss 47 Cleric Yes
4 Michaelin 54 Shadow Knight Yes
10 Must 60 Monk Yes
1 Nessy 60 Warrior Yes
2 Nibbs 55 Cleric Yes
6 Nimbleshlitz 55 Shaman Yes
11 Offa 48 Shaman Yes
5 Optinar 49 Warrior Yes
3 Percivel 60 Paladin Yes
5 Reludara 55 Monk Group Leader Yes
2 Rizen 60 Paladin Yes
2 Ruggedly 54 Druid Yes
7 Ryarch 58 Ranger Yes
4 Shortfused 57 Wizard Yes
9 Skyblue 60 Cleric Yes
3 Sodapop 60 Bard Yes
1 Sohigh 52 Shaman Yes
4 Sparkles 57 Enchanter Yes
1 Strauss 57 Bard Yes
11 Tapn 60 Necromancer Group Leader Yes
11 Teri 53 Druid Yes
4 Vashazir 60 Shadow Knight Yes
7 Vastator 60 Monk Yes
3 Veuqt 60 Cleric Yes
2 Vlud 59 Rogue Yes
3 Vodn 60 Warrior Group Leader Yes
4 Weelost 56 Magician Group Leader Yes
2 Yurinary 60 Enchanter Group Leader Yes
0 Innego 50 Druid Yes
930pm dump:
8 Acropora 59 Wizard Yes
9 Airmed 59 Cleric Group Leader Yes
4 Anayar 55 Cleric Yes
1 Armor 60 Paladin Group Leader Yes
10 Arrion 58 Ranger Group Leader Yes
6 Artor 60 Shaman Yes
11 Audubon 59 Druid Yes
5 Bardoksing 60 Bard Yes
3 Bigma 60 Shaman Yes
3 Braneldar 57 Cleric Yes
9 Brutal 53 Shadow Knight Yes
9 Brutale 60 Cleric Yes
12 Burnberry 60 Necromancer Raid Leader Yes
1 Burta 56 Warrior Yes
8 Cepssis 60 Necromancer Yes
8 Dedrath 55 Necromancer Yes
8 Dreekenail 58 Necromancer Group Leader Yes
10 Eilgrad 60 Cleric Yes
9 Eriskegal 60 Rogue Yes
6 Faraday 60 Enchanter Yes
6 Felcan 58 Cleric Group Leader Yes
6 Flyre 48 Bard Yes
1 Foreverburning 57 Ranger Yes
5 Getrdone 58 Magician Yes
7 Granular 58 Shaman Yes
11 Hairee 54 Druid Yes
7 Hoolio 48 Cleric Group Leader Yes
12 Innego 50 Druid Yes
7 Jools 55 Ranger Yes
6 Kazu 60 Enchanter Yes
8 Kendainea 60 Druid Yes
2 Linsa 58 Rogue Yes
10 Lucianna 60 Wizard Yes
5 Magnusen 57 Warrior Yes
10 Margoth 54 Paladin Yes
5 Markuss 47 Cleric Yes
4 Michaelin 54 Shadow Knight Yes
10 Must 60 Monk Yes
1 Nessy 60 Warrior Yes
2 Nibbs 55 Cleric Yes
6 Nimbleshlitz 55 Shaman Yes
11 Offa 48 Shaman Yes
5 Optinar 49 Warrior Yes
3 Percivel 60 Paladin Yes
8 Pewpewlazr 46 Magician Yes
5 Reludara 55 Monk Group Leader Yes
2 Rizen 60 Paladin Yes
2 Ruggedly 54 Druid Yes
7 Ryarch 58 Ranger Yes
4 Shortfused 57 Wizard Yes
9 Skyblue 60 Cleric Yes
3 Sodapop 60 Bard Yes
1 Sohigh 52 Shaman Yes
4 Sparkles 57 Enchanter Yes
1 Strauss 57 Bard Yes
11 Tapn 60 Necromancer Group Leader Yes
11 Teri 53 Druid Yes
4 Vashazir 60 Shadow Knight Yes
7 Vastator 60 Monk Yes
3 Veuqt 60 Cleric Yes
2 Vlud 59 Rogue Yes
3 Vodn 60 Warrior Group Leader Yes
12 Wakan 59 Shaman Yes
4 Weelost 56 Magician Group Leader Yes
2 Yurinary 60 Enchanter Group Leader Yes
Note Quikwind and Gooph was both present just not in raid.
Last edited by Burta (6/28/2019 3:25 pm)
Last call:
4 Acropora 59 Wizard
1 Airmed 59 Cleric
3 Anayar 55 Cleric
1 Armor 60 Paladin Group Leader
6 Artor 60 Shaman
8 Audubon 59 Druid
5 Bardoksing 60 Bard
3 Bigma 60 Shaman
2 Braneldar 57 Cleric
6 Brutal 53 Shadow Knight
6 Brutale 60 Cleric Group Leader
1 Burta 56 Warrior
3 Eilgrad 60 Cleric
4 Felcan 58 Cleric
4 Flyre 48 Bard
1 Foreverburning 57 Ranger
5 Getrdone 58 Magician
2 Gooph 54 Magician
7 Granular 58 Shaman
5 Hairee 54 Druid
7 Hoolio 48 Cleric Group Leader
10 Innego 50 Druid
7 Jools 55 Ranger
6 Kazu 60 Enchanter
6 Kendainea 60 Druid
2 Linsa 58 Rogue
5 Magnusen 57 Warrior Group Leader
5 Markuss 47 Cleric
10 Must 60 Monk Group Leader
1 Nessy 60 Warrior
8 Offa 48 Shaman Group Leader
5 Optinar 49 Warrior
3 Percivel 60 Paladin
8 Pewpewlazr 46 Magician
4 Reludara 55 Monk
7 Ryarch 58 Ranger
8 Shortfused 57 Wizard
10 Skyblue 60 Cleric
3 Sodapop 60 Bard
10 Sohigh 52 Shaman
2 Sparkles 57 Enchanter
1 Strauss 57 Bard
4 Vashazir 60 Shadow Knight
7 Vastator 60 Monk
10 Veuqt 60 Cleric
2 Vlud 59 Rogue
3 Vodn 60 Warrior Group Leader
10 Wakan 59 Shaman
4 Weelost 56 Magician Group Leader
2 Yurinary 60 Enchanter Group Leader
6 Zinky 57 Magician
0 Burnberry 60 Necromancer Raid Leader
0 Tapn 60 Necromancer
DKP Spent:
Apothic Gloves - Pewpewlazr - 1
Apothic Robes - Pewpewlazr - 1
Cloak of Scales - Vashazir - 200
Ethereal Mist Bracer - Veuqt - 100
Ethereal Mist Bracer - Braneldar - 10
Ethereal Mist Bracer - Anayar - 11
Ethereal Mist Greaves - Markuss - 2
Ethereal Mist Greaves - Anayar - 1
Ethereal Mist Greaves - Hoolio - 1
Ethereal Mist Vambraces - Hoolio - 10
Evensong - Flyre - 1
Eye of Innoruuk - Shortfused - 1
Hotof's Bracer - Sodapop - 75
Imbrued Platemail Boots - Bardoksing - 1
Imbrued Platemail Breastplate - Strauss - 5
Imbrued Platemail Vambraces - Flyre - 1
Indicolite Bracer - Magnusen - 1
Indicolite Breastplate - Optinar - 1
Insidious Sleeves - Yurinary - 1
Kelin's Seven Stringed Lute - Flyre - 1
Kelin's Seven Stringed Lute - Strauss - 1
Leatherfoot Sandals - Hairee - 1
Pauldrons of Power - Pewpewlazr - 1
Rune Etched Boots - Offa - 1
Rune Etched Boots - Sohigh - 1
Rune Etched Gauntlets - Offa -1
Rune Etched Greaves - Sohigh - 20
Rune Etched Helm - Offa - 1
Scaled Hierophant Vambraces - Granular - 1
Vexthorne - Eriskegal - 1
Total DKP possible is 10 points each for on time and last call, 10 points each for the 830pm and 930pm dumps which means tonights raid was worth 40 points total.
After completing the many steps and turning in the items in burning woods, Congratulations Loffrad on receiving his Staff of the Serpent
Plane of Hate
The Company completed a flawless mid-week hate run, congratulations to those who picked up items
Indicrolite Bracer - Dajuuk
Vermiculated Bracelet - Azzriana
Ethereal Mist Bracer2 - Tristessa
Prismatic Shield - Tristessa
Theologian Claymore - Jarrington
Essense of VampireEpic - Loffrad
Mempo Mask - Domique
Six Note Blade - Racheal
Hand of Maestro - Dajuuk
Indicrolite Breastplate - Montravant
Thorny Vine Boots - Kailas
Indicrolite Boots - Montravant
Rune Etched Leggings - Bylla
Inbrued Platemail Helm - Racheal
Ethereal Mist Gauntlets - Tristessa
Trueheart Shield - Jarrington
Woven Shadow Vambraces - Sakusx
Insidious Halo - Loffrad
Staff of Elemental Mastery EarthEpic - Ikia
Insidious Pantaloons - Lensea
Apothic Boots - Addok
Apothic Halo - Addok
Inbrued Platemail Leggings - Racheal
Inbrued Platemail Breastplate - Racheal
Book of SoulsEpic - Sakusx
Insidious Sleeves - Loffrad
Insidious Boots - Lensea
Essense of VampireEpic - Lensea
And last but not least, Welcome new members Blyndem, Glogluk, Keeblr, Linelen and Montravant
Valandil Telperion
Officer, The Company