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Guild Suggestions and Discussion » Shield of the Immaculate » 4/15/2019 5:18 am

Barto Windsong
Replies: 1109

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I guess its good it you dont have anything.


Guild Suggestions and Discussion » Shield of the Immaculate » 4/15/2019 5:16 am

Barto Windsong
Replies: 1109

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To be honest the shield is crap but rare as hell. The casting time is way to slow.

Introductions » Discord Link » 4/15/2019 5:14 am

Barto Windsong
Replies: 256

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whats the link

Guild Suggestions and Discussion » Shield of the Immaculate » 4/14/2019 9:54 pm

Barto Windsong
Replies: 1109

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I think special items should be awarded to the highest attendance percentage ratio for the desired dropped. One special item per player so choose wisely. The officer should decide between ties. If someone is caught by the guild selling raid items and not the sharing the proceeds, they should be permanently ban and blacklisted with the other Mangler guilds. I recommend that a player recieving special loot can trade in the droppable item for another one and the Traded-in item should be auctioned off and the proceeds split among active guild members. Any Questions?

Guild Suggestions and Discussion » Shield of the Immaculate » 4/14/2019 9:42 pm

Barto Windsong
Replies: 1109

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I am the original founder of this guild. In the original dkp post there was a section that made for certain allowances for special items. I have posted it since the creation of the guild. The shield of the immaculate was designated for the tank class as the Tobin's eye-patch was designated for the int/wis casters. The monks got the weight reduction bag. The healers got the click stick. I agree the special items need to stay in the guild but I also realize that someone will take and run the first time they don't like the guild. It has a few times already since the guild has started. The officers were picked by me when the guild started because their dedication to the guild. I am not currently in the game but I will agree with the officers decision to give the shield to Burta. He has proven to me early on that he was worthy as my replacement. The officers felt and saw the contributions of Burta and awarded him the shield. I agree. The Shield first needs to go the main tank because of its ability to cure the main tank. Now there will be more shields that drop in future raids for tanks. So please intend on being early to the raids, trying your best, and not complaining. You guys make me proud every day that you are doing well and kicking ass without me being there. Hold your head up and move forward,

Barto, founder.

Introductions » Discord Link » 4/14/2019 8:57 pm

Barto Windsong
Replies: 256

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The link for discord is broken.

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