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Introductions » Imperial Stout » 7/27/2019 12:55 am |
Hey y'all, I'm a rogue.
I started this game as a SK named October on Druzzil Ro in th late 1999. I've traditionally used Months for my characters name but have picked up using beer names, cause I like beer more than months now... Started a Bard and when Dro combined with The Combine I joined Realm of Insanity. Raided high level with close to 100% raid time for 3 years. Bards name was September and was the top bard in ac and hp serverwide blah blah blah . So I know how to afk rather well. I played with my girlfriend at that time, Elitoa, a SK Named... Elitor. I stopped playing and sold my Bard when we beat HoT, got $1,500 for the damn thing. I was playing too much and it was affecting my health, physically and mentally.
Well anyways, Elitor passed away in October from liver cancer secondary to skin cancer which she had been in remission for a year or so. So I started to play her character. and use her account. I made Imperial on her account. I picked a rogue because I made one 10 years ago or so and lvled it up with Elitor on Xegony. Rogues don't have to pull. After 10 years of pulling, I'm not pulling. never. ever.
My name is Marc and I'm a Paramedic for an ambulance service and a Firefighter for the district of Bighorn Wyoming. My play time can be all the time, or very minimal, depends on the day and call volume. My hobbies include spending too much money on my hobbies.
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