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Armor and Items Request » Cleric Team Needed Upgrades » 6/04/2019 9:51 am

Replies: 16

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I am pretty much in the same boat as you Markuss. First piece of advise, try not to let Eilgrad out bid you on Ethereal gear.. lol. I quested the Bracers of the Reverent. Here is the Wiki:


It’s painstaking, but both bracers together yield 18 AC 10 Wis. 

The main thing is your Rez and complete heal, and a large mana pool. prioritize wisdom over other stats.

AdonnaofMangler wrote:

So my cleric Markuss is 45-1/2 and I have a few holes in my gear that I could use input from you other clerics. I obviously have good jewelry on him (Duh!) but need input on a few things like primary/secondary, back, etc. I need to get my WIS and mana pool up. I have the Mithril tunic and a withered bracer, braided cinch cord (I think), adamantite epaulets, but pretty lame in several slots. Should I just sit tight and wait for Fear/Hate gear or?? My motivation was to bring up a cleric for raids when we're short, as we normally have 4 or 5 chanters, so it seems less critical at times than more heals/rezzes.
ALSO - What Crafted Spells do I need? I have all the vendor ones, but am I Missing crital ones that need to be researched?
Thanks in advance for your feedback.


Introductions » Mort » 5/23/2019 11:16 am

Replies: 2085

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Hey this is Mort / Lahnfear / Dealdoe (Cleric / Enchanter / Rogue.) New to all three classes.

Most of my experience is playing a monk or SK either as a duo or in small groups. My primary goals with these characters are to make max level prior to the next expansion, working on epics, and to aide guild members. In RL, I am a pharmacist, practicing out of Tampa FL. Like many of you I have a real attachment to this game. I started when Kunark first came out, and duoed all across Kunark with my late brother as a monk/shaman. I play this game as a tribute to him, and because there is still a lot for me to learn.

Armor and Items Request » Cleric Team Needed Upgrades » 5/23/2019 11:01 am

Replies: 16

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Have the ‘minimal gear,’ but two bracers of the reverent over the golden jaded bracelet. Working on Planar gear. Need like four more pieces.

Epic Talk » Cleric Epic - Clickable 96% Resurrect Stick » 5/20/2019 9:01 am

Replies: 14

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Done. Shoot me a tell if you need help with one of the camps.

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